I stumbled across This article on Cnet, and was wandering what you think.
The basic idea is that edge recently voted zelda:OoT the best game of all time, and this guy is explaining why it isnt. I thought he might have had a good argument untill I read "Well, I don't just judge video games on how well they played or if the storyline was better than another. The best video games are those that shape an entire industry and help make the video game business progress from its periodic years of no growth."
Saying that is total rubbish in my eyes. Games should be judged on how much fun you have whilst playing them, not how much they influence the industry. Saying that you have to say that the cathode ray missile game from 1947 is the greatest game ever because it invented the industry, or possibly the first one to be played on a screen.
I agree that zelda:OoT may not be the best game ever (to be honest, I've never realy given it much thought) but his reasoning is total crap.
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