I'm listening to his debut album, Boy In Da Corner, and it sounds crazy. Sounds like somethin' from the future. I thought maybe the British accent would effect how I liked it, but quite the opposite. His flow goes perfect with the production. Is Boy In Da Corner his best album, or is there something better out there?
I'm listening to his debut album, Boy In Da Corner, and it sounds crazy. Sounds like somethin' from the future. I thought maybe the British accent would effect how I liked it, but quite the opposite. His flow goes perfect with the production. Is Boy In Da Corner his best album, or is there something better out there?longdongsilvr
Boy in Da Corner is meant to be his best album showtime his worst and Maths and English somewhere in between.
Personally I didn't like Maths and English and I preferd Showtime to Boy in Da Corner but only two people on this earth think that and that includes me.
Of course i've heard him he's one of the UK's biggest rappers. Can't sayI love him though Maths And English was ok rest i've never listened to the full albums maybe Iwill now though.
Living in the UK, i can tell you now, any time you hear someone walking down the street with dizzee playing on their phone, you want to pick up a bat and beat the living **** out of them.
1. His music SUCKS MORE ASS THAN ANYTHING EVER. Period...well, maybe not the rest of UK rap..thats pretty...yeah. 2. The following that goes with that music over here is so much worse than the music itself.
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