Aye Aye Aye in the trap! aye!
So some of you may recall my 2010 list. When I find it, I'll link it here.
First some background. I'll be posting my top 40 albums & top 20 songs of 2011. A few surprises as well...probably a dissapointments & surprises list as early as tomorrow. stay tuned sluts.
Major Disappointments
Drake's Take Care
I don't expect much from Drake on the regular, but records like this continue to tease me. When Drake wants to, he's damn good. When he doesn't care, he sucks. Of course, Drake shows just enough potential to make me want his next album...and probably makes it suck just enough for me to fill just as unfulfilled as I did with this record.
Beirut's The Rip Tide
Beirut just has to do better. This album is bad, man.
Radiohead's King of Limbs
I don't wait four years for 8 songs. Especially when most of the songs suck. Thom Yorke needs to keep his solo career out of Radiohead endevaors from now on
Pharoahe Monch's WAR
Flows were weak, production was weaker, Pharoahe has officially fell of...if his last album was any indication this album certainly is. It's funny how he can be devil's child on "Internal Affairs,"but preach about baggy jeans a few LPs later. Old man soundin' type ninja
Bon Iver's self-titled record
I'm not sure if I should call this Bon Iver or Sting.
Biggest Surprises
J. Cole's "Sideline Story"
After refusing to pay attention to any J. Cole since The Warm Up, I was pleasantly surprised with this album. You won't see it in my top 40 but it barely missed the cut...and shows that Cole still has quite a bit of rapping left in him.
The Weeknd's 3 mixtapes
Who is this guy & why is he so damn good?
Wavves, "Life Sux EP"
Hearing that they were getting MTV play & a huge push from MTV was disturbing. Hearing Nathan Williams had signed on to create a soundtrack for one of their shows was even scarier. Luckily, they're still capable of releasing good music.
Frank Ocean's "Nostalgia, Ultra"
Is this guy really a part of OFWGKTA? I don't believe it
Big KRIT's "Return Of 4 Eva"
I wasn't convinced he was great on Krit Wuz Here. I am now.
Some songs that just didn't quite make it...
20. True Widow - "Skull Eyes"
Sounds like: Low covers by a much heavier band
True Widow's "Skull Eyes," was the record that made me download this album. "Skull Eyes," is so damn good because Nikki Estill is a much better singer than Dan Phillips (the normal lead singer.) I just wish the band would make give her more freedom to take control as a lead vocalist.
19. tUnE-yArDs - "Bizness"
Sounds like: Afro-centric world beat pop.When my sister heard me listening to this song she thought I was listening to some "African ****." I kid you not.
Just typing that name pisses me off. Stupid upper lock & capital letters. Stupid pitchfork hipster hype. Hate aside, "Bizness," is a fantastic song that would make anyone give tUnE-yArDs afro-centric "whokill," a listen. It's just a shame the rest of the album wasn't nearly this good.
Sidenote: watch this video! the first minute or so with the little girl is absolutely hilarious.
18. Juicy J - "Who Da Neighbors?!?!"
Sounds like: The theme song to get ****ing hype to with your boys
"My mansion sittin' on forty acres...who the neighbors?!?!
Kobe Bryant from the Lakers! now that's paper!"
I first heard this song in August in a house some friends and I rented out in New Jersey. Two of my friends and I enjoyed jumping up and down drunk out of her minds while listening to this. Months later, I still find this to be one of the easiest songs to hype me up...even if Kobe Bryant isn't my neighbor.
17. PicturePlane - "Techno Fetish"
Sounds like: Heavy lo-fi electropop. Think the Pains Of Being Pure At Heart if they met Pavement during their peak...at a massive rave where everyone is tripping balls.
Pictureplane may not have all of the answers on their inconsistent "Thee Physical," but they sure have a few of them. "Techno Fetish," though, is the type of electronic record that's poppy enough to appeal to fans of bands like Friendly Fires & Foster The People, but heavy enough to maintain my interest.
16. The Coathangers - "Johnny"
Sounds like: These girls purposely trying to suck, yet sounding brilliant in the process.
I love when The Coathangers get heavy. These punk darlings are at their best when drummer Stephanie Luke (and occasional lead singer) is screaming her head off while lead guitarist Julia Kugel is screeching in her annoying cheerleader voice. Surely they won't appeal to everyone but if you take them for what they're worth they're a damn good band.
15. Wavves - "Nodding Off" feat. Best Coast
Sounds like: Exactly what you'd expect a Wavves song to sound like with Best Coast backing vocals for good measure.
Wavves & Best Coast were the surf pop/punk bands of 2010. Both released similar, simple LPs that received surprising amounts of critical acclaim. Considering both bands reminded fans of each other it was no surprise when the two teamed up on Wavves recent EP. This song about unrequited love is about as good as I can imagine a collab between these two bands being....but maybe the two have something better up their sleeves? Lets hope.
14. Real Estate - "It's Real"
Sounds like: The perfect pop record
I think this may be one of the most infectious records of the year. I play this when I'm happy...when I'm sad. I don't need a reason for it, I just like hearing it. Real Estate may be the northeastern Fleet Foxes of pop with their harmonies and layers upon layers of instrumentation.
13. PJ Harvey - "The Words That Maketh Murder!"
Sounds like: Everything you need to know about the latest PJ Harvey record
"I've seen soldiers fall like lumps of meat"
PJ Harvey holds no filter on "The Words That Maketh Murder," a song about war crimes & upholding justice. What's so engaging about this record is that she has no problem saying exactly what she sees. It's one thing to explain something and say it's wrong. It's always more efficient to show it and allow the audience to interpret if it's wrong. I think Harvey displays the latter beautifully on this record.
12. A$AP ROCKY - "Trilla" feat. A$AP Twelvy & A$AP Nast
Sounds like: Houston production with South heavy flows from the A$AP crew
I think the most ironic part of this song is that despite being the best song on this mixtape it's not produced by Clams Casino. For me, that says two things: Beautiful Lou did a wonderful job on the beat & A$AP and co. did an even better job making this sound better than any track produced by Clams Casino.
11. Drake - "Cameras"
Sounds like: Drake teasing us with his potential on an album that could have been much, much better
I don't expect much from Drake on a regular basis, but this is the type of record that makes me pick up his new releases. Drake's latest album is about 10 songs too long, but the 10 songs that are album worthy are records that belong on a ****c record (case & point: this.)
What makes Drake so good on certain songs is varied flows, tight lyrics & extended use of that R&B sound he's so good at complimenting. It's not that he doesn't attmpt this on "Take Care," he just doesn't do it as well as he can.
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