The simple answer is because he at least has some good songs...
Good Morning
Age of Information,
Realist Alive,Â
Thank You Based God,Â
OTB/Officers/rap fans once again displaying their homophobia in fear of the totally unfounded idea that GS may take offence to men in their underpants. Really, though it's not my fault you're aroused by Lil B!
Anyway Lil B's music is actually entertaining. The lyrics are funnier than Soulja Boy's. Intentionally on some songs, and unintentionally on stuff like Age of Information. His videos are entertaining too, but more importantly, the beats are often really, really dope.
Plus is Soulja Boy as based as Lil B? Hell naw.
If i could wirte what i trul wanted to write id prolly be banned. But this skinnny jean wearing **** is whats ruining hip hop right now. There is not one redemming quialit that makes this guys music good. Sure i could listen ot it for a laugh. But when i see that this guy has actuall fans SMH to the millionth diegree.
Please if your a fan of him now, id prolly expect that your 12 years old to 15 years old. ALl i wanna tell you is dont make this guy your savoior of hip hop your gonna be a in a big dissapmantment.
 This guy is the reason why hip hop is so feminin right now. Anyone thats calls himself a pretty **** should not be somrhing that us as guys should accept as respectalbe.
PLease as a fan of hip hop dont allow this guy to succeed allowing this guy to succeeed is gonna take us back as a genre ATELAST 10 years.
 Im a little drunk right now soo please dont talk bad about my splleing becuz i dont got a spell checke
LIL B and Soulja Boy are both garbage rappers.
BUT... LIL B at least has some siiiiiick production, Soulja Boy not as often.. LIL B usually always has good beats, just im not a fan of his rapping at all.
Jut not my type of music.. I grew up on RUN DMC, Too $hort, Rakim, KRSONE, Scarface, Above The Law, Ultramegnetic mcs, NWA, DeLa Soul,etc.. and alot of this new aged rap music just aint cutting it for me.
And no its not that LIL B is GAY or what ever people say, I just dont like the music period.. have no problem with how people are sexually, but the rapping is just terrible to me and thats my issue.
Still, as I said above he rocks some great beats sometimes, just his rapping isnt something I can get down with.
And yes I have given him a chance, listened to many of his songs and songs from The Pack, but honestly its just not for me.
I guess everybody can't be based smh...AL_GREEN
Word. Â
At Moet:
A lot of these young dudes are different from the masculine, tough guy mentality rap you insinuate to be as the only right way to do it. Rap is progressing just like everything else. New artists are going to follow their own creative paths. You don't have to like it, but don't bash it just because it doesn't fall in line with your machismo.
Not liking his rap style is understandable. He's definitely not a great spitter, but he is creative and has some really good beats. Don't listen to him if you don't like him, but don't call him or the so called feminist rappers the downfall of rap. Honestly I'm not even a big fan of the dude, but you come off as a bigot.
He's not a good rapper at all thats not the point of Lil B he's good because he's so ridiculous/hilariousAL_GREEN
If directed towards me, I know that. I have never said he is a good rapper. I just find him entertaining.
this is the opposite of based "Lil B's philosophy on life is reminiscent of the Hippie movement of the 1960's, where the social norm is to be challenged in the pursuit of physical and spiritual happiness. Now his peculiar references to himself as a **** "lesbian", "princess", etc… made sense. By challenging these societal constraints you actually transcend them and strip from them any negativity they may have previously possessed. By creating music purely for self satisfaction and void of preconceived expectations, it becomes irrelevant whether they are received in a positive or negative light. Lil B essentially took Hip Hop back to its roots of a medium for self expression and entertainment, directly opposite of the modern commercial Hip Hop focused on negative themes, machismo, and competitiveness. Is Lil B the best rapper..of course not, but who cares? The whole point of BASED freestyles is to "Not Give A **** and enjoy the moment." and he has sick beatsIf i could wirte what i trul wanted to write id prolly be banned. But this skinnny jean wearing **** is whats ruining hip hop right now. There is not one redemming quialit that makes this guys music good. Sure i could listen ot it for a laugh. But when i see that this guy has actuall fans SMH to the millionth diegree.
Please if your a fan of him now, id prolly expect that your 12 years old to 15 years old. ALl i wanna tell you is dont make this guy your savoior of hip hop your gonna be a in a big dissapmantment.
 This guy is the reason why hip hop is so feminin right now. Anyone thats calls himself a pretty **** should not be somrhing that us as guys should accept as respectalbe.
PLease as a fan of hip hop dont allow this guy to succeed allowing this guy to succeeed is gonna take us back as a genre ATELAST 10 years.
 Im a little drunk right now soo please dont talk bad about my splleing becuz i dont got a spell checke
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