Bumping now, nothing really engaging so far, but only on track 8/12. Glad he rapped over the So Ghetto beat, but his lyrics were garbo gibberish.
[EDIT] Meh, this mixtape his lame. Damn does his flow get sloppy on "The One". Oh, and Popular Demand is easily beat of the year. Damn that track is SICK! Lupe doesn't do it justice (easily his best bars on the tape though), but I could see Wayne, Jay-Z, or someone to that effect just MURDER that beat. Especially Black Album Jay-Z. Anyway, mixtape is 2.5/5 on first listen.
can someone post a god **** working link for this thing!? i've tried downloading it like 4 times and everytime it says the .zip file can't be expanded...wtf
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