So today i was talking to an old friend who i havent seen in 4 years because he left to florida to persue a rapping career.(he had connections out there)
He told me that in the past 4 years he got to work with some big people throught hip hop....but he is yet to be signed by anybody.
well to make a long story short he told me that almost every hip hop star worships the devil......yes bear with me i said worship the devil. he went into detail for 2 hours straight about some of the craziest stuff i heard.....he basically told me that almost every rapper has sold their soul to the devil one way or another
for example Drop the World by lil wayne,
he goes on to say in 0:30 "I work and forever try, but I'm cursed, so never mind"-
and then in 1:20 he goes on to say "I know what they don't wanna tell you
"Just hope you're heaven-sent, and you're hell-proof"
now you guys can bash me and flame me and make fun of me all you want but i belive my friend on this one. one reason he has been around some big names(dont want to get into that right now) and i trust him a lot since i known him for a long time and like i said he has been around this crap.
so will i stop listening to hip just sharing some crazy insight with OTB who will probably flame me now lol
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