No, he's not surrendering (yet), but 0bama seems to be looking for a replacement for the term "War on Terror," which I've always liked myself.
What's being sought is a more precise phrase that can recast the U.S. government's counterterrorism fight in ideological as well as military terms. Obama publicly signaled the new approach this week. When asked about the "war on terror" phrase by CNN's Anderson Cooper, Obama said, "Well you know, I think it is very important for us to recognize that we have a battle or a war against some terrorist organizations … Words matter in this situation because one of the ways we're going to win this struggle is through the battle of hearts and minds."
If you needed an example of how 0bama comes up short as a leader compared to Bush, here you go. Bush just said, "Here's what we're calling it; the public knows what it means," then went out and did the job of keeping us safe. Do we need Don Draper or someone who knows how to lead?
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