1. clay: because when that s**t gets hard........... you get the picture
2. A pencil: For obvious reasons......................... R.I.P frosties kid :(
3. Tissues: They may be great for blowing your nose but do not put them INTO your nose..... lets just say theres a reason for my username
4. Somebody elses nose: Its just not right
5. Hurtful comments: because noses have feelings too
6. Straws: because that walrus thing just isnt funny...... okay its f***ing hilarious but it has limited appeal
7. Viagra: It goes in your mouth.. I know that now....
8. Explosives : coz that s**t takes ages to clean up
9. Justin Bieber : I know he the right size for it and everything but he has some serious bladder control problems
10. pregnancy test. because chances are it wot be an accurate result
11. Bleach: Just trust me on this one ............
Well thats my definitive list of things you probably shouldnt put into your nose. But hey what do i know? feel free to try any of those things. I cant be held responsible for your actions ;)
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