13 Skills Your Grandparents Had That You Don’t is about skills your grandparents had that even your parents might not have as well as you.
How many of you know how to read a map or do anything else on that list?
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13 Skills Your Grandparents Had That You Don’t is about skills your grandparents had that even your parents might not have as well as you.
How many of you know how to read a map or do anything else on that list?
I know how to tie knots and read maps because i used to work with boats. I'm better at housekeeping than most people my age.
As soon as one finished high school, they should be able to write legibly, and know how to read a map...
Phone books aren't exactly hard to use... We dont need to remember phone numbers anymore, so why spend the time? (though many still end up remembering some)
I still write checks for my rent...
And what's with #11? Our grandparents didn't have smart-phones, so no **** they didn't use them at social gatherings.
13 Skills Your Grandparents Had That You Don’t is about skills your grandparents had that even your parents might not have as well as you.
How many of you know how to read a map or do anything else on that list?
I mean, not that I don't think there's things older generations knew that may be lost on current generations...but this list is silly. Anyways, same as above, I know how to do 12.5 of out of the 13. I have a vegetable garden but never raised livestock. Not only do I know how to read a map, I can actually land navigate (thanks US military!).
The ability to write legibly-
Granted I don't write good but plenty of young folks write well. Cursive is something that isn't reallly
Remembering numbers-
I will fucking challenge anyone here to a contest of reciting number of close family and friends. More importantly though I will challenge anyone here to a contest of reciting account numbers, filing numbers, birthdays, authorization codes. I have a wide wealth of numbers memorized in my head. Now let me say this: we don't need to know numbers off the top of our head anymore. Just remember the top 25 or so and **** the rest because it's just pointless given that we have a fountain of information.
Phone books-
What the **** is this going on about. It's not fucking hard to read a phonebook. I think that this confuses the obsolete nature of the damn thing with not knowing how to actually use one. Hey hey why is this needed? It's not. You know what makes a good phone book? Your damn phone. Which connects to the remembering number thing. Phones nowadays are connected across your devices. So you will have your contacts even if you lose the phone. But people will remember the top most important numbers so it's not like they will lose contact with family and friends.
I can do basic stuff.
Home maintenance-
I can install a fan and that level of stuff.
Knowing how to use a map-
This is just like the phonebook thing. It's confusing not using them to. Not knowing how to use them. Using a map is simple. Certain people and activities use actual maps. But know we don't require a physical map. We can use digital ones. I will challenge you wk77 to a map reading test. Drop us off in the middle of a mountain range and give me different maps
Knots- this is just fucking stupid. Anyway I know how to tie a bunch of different knots. Will challenge you guys to a knot contest
Check-back to the phonebook and maps thing
9. Knowing how to sew more than a button.
-want me to sew you some sweaters and costumes
10. Knowing how to raise crops and livestock.
-will give you that
11. Socializing like a human.
-what is it with certain people who have this really shitty and fucking awful perception of the world around them. "They would discuss the world, each other’s lives, maybe a movie they saw" how the **** is this any different from how people get together today. This just shows a high level of ignorance and cloud screaming stupidity
12. Being creative.
-this is also stupid. Like really really fucking stupid
13. Partner dancing without being gross.
All the things they could do on that list (like, all of them besides livestock - which only one of my grandparents had experience with) I was taught by my parents or learned on my own. Pretty sure that most people can do most of the things on that list.
Also lol'd @ phonebook
Pretty sure that is self-explanatory.
Lets see pretty sure I have all of those skills.
1) I can write legibly. 2) I know quite a few phone numbers by memory. 3) I've used a phone book many times (although the internet is much quicker). 4) I work at a truck center, I certainly know how to repair a car. 5) I can do home maintenance as well. 6) Used a handheld map many times as well. 7) Boy Scout. 8) I write several checks a month 9) I actually fix my torn pants fairly regularly. 10) I've worked on a farm, hell I killed, gutted and processed pig before. 11) I never use my phone at parties, or dates. 12) I'm an artist so I suppose I'm creative, although I don't write often. 13) I used to swing dance.
The only one I can think of comes from my Great Grandad. He had this amazing skill in which he was able to derail any conversation with three simple words "During the war". Sometimes I think he only did it because he was a huge Only Fools and Horses fan, but he did fight and was an amazing guy.
Why do people even use checks?
You can't bounce debt/credit cards.
ya that one kind of confused me as well.
i feel like more of a ponce for spending $30 on a cheque book i never use
My maternal grandmother died smoking a cigarette on her death bed, being addicted to cigarettes. My paternal granfther died of suicidie circa 1969. How i'll go out? The question remains.
Why do people even use checks?
You can't bounce debt/credit cards.
I have to use checks to pay my car payment every month. The only way to pay it without a check would be to set up a bank account through the lending company and split my paycheck to be deposited into 2 separate bank accounts instead of simply my primary account. Either that or physically go to the location with cash. Frankly a check is just easier. I also pay my rent via check. It's either that or $200 in cash.
I use legible handwriting all the time....
the only thing that I cant do on the list is
10. Knowing how to raise crops and livestock.
Why do people even use checks?
You can't bounce debt/credit cards.
I have to use checks to pay my car payment every month. The only way to pay it without a check would be to set up a bank account through the lending company and split my paycheck to be deposited into 2 separate bank accounts instead of simply my primary account. Either that or physically go to the location with cash. Frankly a check is just easier. I also pay my rent via check. It's either that or $200 in cash.
When I was paying on my car I used debt too, but I can see why some places don't accept those methods.
I would still use a money order over a check, but that's just me.
Like half of that list is basically fluff or crap added to make it look longer. And I'm sure old people would not like it if us youngsters started coming up with lists of things that we can do that our elders can't.
A lot of those things came out of necessity, because most people didn't have nearly the amount of disposable income and lines of credit that people do now.
Oh no keep me away from those websites I have spent hours looking at random top 10 list during sleepless nights
I was expecting more from the list. I will thus give a list of things I learned from my grandparents that are rare:
1. Belief in the decency of humanity. They expected that people had good intentions.
2. Neighbors were not strangers. Life was lived in community.
3. The ability to dress well. Your clip on tie doesn't count.
4. Contentment even with few possessions.
5. Family matters and you fight for their benefit.
6. A realization that even when difficulty strikes we are blessed.
7. The worthiness of your ambitions are determined by how much good it accomplishes for others.
8. A simple life can be a good life.
9. Much joy can be found in faith and religious community.
10. Laughter need not be at the expense of others.
11. If you laugh and smile much in life you will be remembered for it.
13 Skills Your Grandparents Had That You Don’t is about skills your grandparents had that even your parents might not have as well as you.
How many of you know how to read a map or do anything else on that list?
I am not taking that list seriously. I guess because I am someone who can do all that and have been able to since an early age.
We have a 78 year old cook at my work, pretty nice guy. But he's amazed that most of the younger employees don't know the exact dates (like the exact day of some battle) of historic events for example. Because he thinks that's really important.... while it isn't. Sure you ought to know the outlines of history where you can place the events generally on a timeline, but you can look up the exact details, no need to store them in your head.
Just like remembering phone numbers, that's just not relevant anymore, if you don't need to do it, why would you? We also don't know how to hunt with sticks and stones anymore, because it isn't relevant these days. Why would you waste your time and brain capacity by filling it with redundant information, while you could have used that time to fill it with more useful data? What he doesn't understand is that it's more valuable to be able to apply and combine knowledge (that you can find everywhere) in a useful way instead of hammering those raw facts into your head.
He's not such a great problem solver, maybe it has to do with his age, but he seems very strict in his thinking patterns. While I have figured out multiple solutions to the same problem, he's still stuck with the one in his head. Another thing is that he's really opposed to using internet, but that's just because he's quite digitally illiterate I guess haha. Internet has greatly helped me to read and write in english for example, a language he doesn't understand at all.
I want the tc to explain himself
What is there to explain? I can do most of what is on that list (owning a pet isn't like owning livestock). I can sew (I have used machines that will sew right through fingers without stopping), I learned at a young age how to read a map and can do orienteering as well as tie knots (was a Boy Scout at one time too). I can read multiple types of maps including VFR Sectionals.
Checks? Still use 'em to pay rent. Better than buying multiple money orders. I pay bills with both depending on if at home or not. I wonder how many people who walk off and forget their phone could call someone if they haven't memorized the necessary numbers? Hell, I still remember an old work number though the place was sold to someone else and the number changed and to make matters worse, in GA we have 10 digit phone numbers with 3 different area codes (with a 4th coming soon) that have to be dialed.
@WhiteKnight77: point being that the livestock and crops thing is like the only one that I think most people under the age of 30 would have trouble with. And even at that it's probs less of a age thing and just a skill that a lot of people probes don't have no matter if you 80 or 8.
It just seems like an poor list is all.
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