As a Canadian that has been born, and raised in British Columbia, I am excited for the Olympics coming to our province in 2010.
But, as A CANADIAN I am offended by the mascots we were given!!!
First off, what the heck is a Sea Bear? a Thunder-bird? A SASQUATCH!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Why couldn't we use animals that truly are Canadian: Beaver, Wolf, Polar Bear, Moose, Orca, Loon, Otter, and Lynx (Just naming a few)
They take a resemblance to that of Hello Kitty. I'm not going to be proud walking around with a half bear half whale on my shirt!
What I don't understand, is how could no one else notice the outrageous decisions.
I am disgusted!
Feel freely to share your opinions, I am appalled, as is half of the Nation.
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