Just wait for Fox to get a hold of this.
:lol: I'm actually looking forward to that, we'll probably see the news report, then 5"experts" who say consoles are bad for not only kids but also humans in general (can lead to child massacre). If I put this on System Wars people would be arguing what system the mother was playing since the system was so good she disregarded her child for it. So we don't have anymore "kids brains corrupt from gaming" anymore? I mean they'll have no choice but to say kids and adults shouldn't game.
I thought these things only existed in the movies, but some people really are this, well, lets called it "broken".
Don't wanna sound racist,are Japanese ppl like that.. I also once heard a Japanese mother put her child in a washing machine and killed her cozthe childwas crying and making noise and she felt irritated and hence did that...really sad on their part tho.
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