Name your top 5.
1. Shia Labeouf
2. Andy Samberg
3. Zac Efron
4. Joseph Gordon-Levitt
5. Megan Fox ; )
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[QUOTE="tepni"]The five celebrities would probably all talk to each other about all their celebrity stuff and ignore us. That's not a nice assumption. They're regular people, ya know., tell me what's so bad about Shia.
Oh and Zooey D is a very good choice!
I got the best plan
1)Angelina jolie when she was 25
2) Adirana lima =O
3) Zoey D
4) Megan fox
5)Lela star
But the elevator is the size of a small cloest 8)
Represent to the OP picking Joseph Gordon-Levitt and the person that picked Zooey. Obviously some people other than me saw (500) Days of Summer. As for me, I'd go with some funny people. Andy Samberg, Tracy Morgan, maybe Zach Snyder to talk about Watchmen with or something :) Emma Watson, because she's probably a really nice girl to talk to. And Megan Fox, JUST so I could ignore her.cheeselover500 Days of Summer was so, so great. Andy was on my list too. And good idea about ignoring Megan, I'd probably do it too. She seems real conceited.. well I mean, guys annnd girls want her so I guess I wouldn't blame her. But still.
Not another one of these threads...
1.Kate Beckinsale
2.Ian McKellan
3.Will Smith
4.Simon Pegg
5.Shia Lebouf
Kate for obvious reasons, Ian because he's an intelligent and accomplished actor, Will because he's funny, Simon because he isw also funny and Shia because he is also funny. Hot girl or funny dudes make time fly.
By the way it's funny that everyone is assuming that they'd all be on the elevator at once, I would think it would be just one at a time.
I can't stand Shia Labeouf, he ruined transformers for me :(...
Anyways, the five celebrities I'd like to be stuck with is:
1. Viktor Lucas (not really considered a celebrity, but whatever)
2. Trevor Linden (again not a celebrity, former NHL hockey player)
3. Jay Chou (most of you probably never heard of him)
4. Takeshi Kaneshiro (again, most of you probably never heard of him)
5. edit: I change it to Elisha Cuthbert (hot Canadian girl, and we're from the same city!!) :P
The three Jonas Brothers, Shia Labeouf, and Soulja Boy. That way I could take out all 5 of them at once.
[QUOTE="MoonMarvel"]If I was stuck in an elevator with Shia Labeouf I'd bang my head against the doors until I'd pass out.Dman0017or you could slam his head against the door until he passes out and enjoy your lack of a migraine later And then enjoy 10 years in prison for assult or even life for murder. I'll take my chances knocking myself out.
1 random guy... to open the elevator hatch and check for dangers and if there are any...better him then me. Oh and maybe someone to talk to about music and games, no celebrities...oh wait...Jane Fonda so i could bang her head against the elevator door til' she's dead! No more troop bashing for u BWahahaha...
[QUOTE="Dman0017"][QUOTE="MoonMarvel"]If I was stuck in an elevator with Shia Labeouf I'd bang my head against the doors until I'd pass out.MoonMarvelor you could slam his head against the door until he passes out and enjoy your lack of a migraine later And then enjoy 10 years in prison for assult or even life for murder. I'll take my chances knocking myself out.[/QUOTE
Agh, he's right..better to "accidentally" start the elevator after she climbs on top then slam the hatch shut so she can't get back it's foolproof yes?..
Lucy Pinder
Kate Beckinsale
Kim Kardashian
Carmen Electra
and, Al Roker :shock:.........j/k
Giselle Buchan (before Tom Brady)
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