Ok, so Rick and Bubba (Radio Station DJs) was talking about the fact that In God We Trust is not on the new 5 dollar bill. Now a lot of you out there probably could care less, and some might even be happy about it. But that fact of the matter is, is this country's foundation was built upon Christianity. It was bad enough that the Government had to seperate the church and the state, but now it seems they want to take God out of everything, and it seems they have started with the money. What will be next? The pledge of alliegance? People can say what they want, but this Nation is falling apart. Crime continues to increase, shootings at schools, malls, kids shooting their parents. You've got vandalism, rape, robbery, and it seems to all be rapidly growing. And, to think, people want to blame this on what? Video Games? Movies? Ha! I have to laugh, its so sad, its not a game that drives people to the state they are in, its first bad parenting, and then the fact that Religion is not taught in schools, kids dont get taught morals like way back when. They are continually bomb-barded by the filth that is filling America, everything from foul language to violence to pornography. Now dont get me wrong, I'm not what you would call a Bible Thumper, I play my violent games and watch movies with sex and foul language, but the difference is, I was raised in a house with a strong foundation of what is right and what is wrong. Nor, am I saying, that I think we should shove Religion down everyones throat, but I do believe that if they still taught the fundementals of religion in schools and still practice prayer and the such in the government then this Nation would not be plagued with the ongoing sins of this world. I mean look at how bad our finicial situation is, gas prices is sky high, the economy is falling, and for some reason we still have soldier nearly 7 years after 9/11 still overseas dying for what? We say we are fighting for a free country, but I disagree, nothing is free in this country, we dont have the freedom of speech for fear of offending someone, so many people are for gun control, Hillary and Barrak both. We dont have the freedoms that this Nation once stood for and if it continues on the religious downfall that it is falling than this country will become no better than Germany during the reign of Hitler.
This is not a thread for religious bashing, so please keep the commits adult like. As you can see, no where have I bashed, any religion or non-religion, so please do not bash others.
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