Well, I browse the internet a lot and today while browsing the internet, I stumbled on something named Water fasting, this is where you don't drink nothing but water for 50 days. This supposedly gives the digestive track a rest and naturally cleanses the colon. People coming off the water diet are said to report feeling internally clean ( I don't know how someone would feel "internally clean" but whatever....) less stressed, and more energetic. So I've decided that I'll try this myself. I'll be keeping a blog on how I feel daily along with challenges I face with the water diet daily for all 50 days. I'll also post a beginning and after picture and the end and see if you see a difference in my appearance. for tonight though, I'm getting myself mentally prepared and reading all I can on water fasting then tomorrow I'll start What do you think about the idea of water fasting? Water Fasting Experiment Blog http://50daywaterfasting.blogspot.com/
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