France's constitutional council has overturned a 75 percent upper tax rate on incomeabove $1.32m, which was due to be introduced in2013 by the socialist government.
The council's decision on Saturday, made in response to a motion by oppositionconservatives, is a huge blow to President FrancoisHollande who had made the rate his flagship taxmeasure as he sought to have the rich contribute moretowards reducing the budget deficit.
The government had estimated the 75 percent tax rate couldraise around $400m a year as it battles to bring down the public deficit to below a European Union ceiling ofthreepercent next year in the face of stalled growth.
The Constitutional Council, which rules on whether laws areconstitutional, said in a statement that the way the upper ratewas set to be imposed was unfair in the way it would affectdifferent households.
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