Now if you aren't a catholic and so judge that a person has a soul te moment the egg and sperm meet and therefore is considered a life, rather than the usual "ablity to think and self-awareness" shtick than this thread isn't for you. Or if you are a member of any other sect of any religion that considers even life that doesn't have thoughts/emotions/self-awareness is still a life then this thread isnt for you either. Yes, therefore this thread is for the people who believe that a fetus's worth is mainly/only as a future life where he will have self-awareness, thoughts and all that other stuff i mentioned.
Now, before I was also troubled by the fact that abortion essentially meant that a life wouldn't exist in the future. That was the only moral problem I had with abortion. But then i asked myself something important; that is, if I don't consider a fetus, at least in the form it is in during every abortion which isn't done for medical reasons as living or as thinking being/human then what the hell is it? I would have then considered it to be the genetic and organic foundation for a future life which is what gave me a bit of a pause when considering if abortion is moral.
But then I realised something extremely important; if a fetus is a genetic and organic foundation for a future human life, wouldn't that put it at thesame level as a sperm or egg. You know, sperm and egg; those extremely important foundations for future human life, that are either killed one at a time each month or millions at a time, possibly several times a day. I mean; a fetus is just the two of them put together which is not that hard to do (thanks to technology, you don't even need to have sex anymore to put them together.)
Now this realisation shocked me, because it meant that according to my own previous logic, I have personally "killed" billions of future lives. No wonder the catholic church made masturbation a sin. Now, I had two option at that point; I could write a book about my infanticide/genocide of my future offspring and turn myself in to the police (hey: a couple in Queensland in Australia were in a court case for having an abortion; my own case is not that far off.) Or I could just realise that having an abortion is much less of a crime against life/the future of humanity than my masturbation is.
Edit: i emphasise self-awareness and thoughts in the first paragraph because that's apparently what animals lack that makes it alright for us to kill and enslave countless animals. even though it has been proved that animals, primates in particular have rudimentary versions off. Not that I am against all this killing and enslaving of animals, I resort to the Darwinian "survival of the fittest (specie)" philosophy to clear any moral problems I might have with that.
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