A couple of friends of mine had a petty little dispute, and we all agree that it would be nice to get some opinions from an objective viewpoint. If you don't want to weigh in on a petty dispute, or don't like the fact that we have decided to take it to an objective third party, then please don't feel obligated to actually read or respond.
The two friends had gone out to buy pizza and soda. They were sitting in the den, ready to start their meal. One friend (call him "The Pourer") had the soda bottle and was filling the cups. The other friend (call him "The Drinker") put his cup down to be filled. "The Pourer" has a habit of filling people drinks to the brim as a joke, often laughing and saying "say when" when doing so. He filled the cup until it the soda was brimming over the edge. "The Drinker then picked up the soda and drew it to him, but he did so over the pizza, causing some of the soda to spill on the pizza.
The Drinker's argument is that the soda was bound to spill due to the Pourer's shenanigans. And if it was going to spill, then he was going to make sure it was over the pizza the Pourer was going to eat, rather then all over his own floor or table. He considered it "poetic justice"
The Pourer's argument is that the he was in no way responsible for the spilling. The soda only spilled because the Drinker decided to pick it up and move it. He gave a possible alternative where the Drinker could have went around to the soda, got on his knees, and sipped it up before taking it.
The Drinker's rebuttal is that he shouldn't have to get down on his knees and sip it up like a dog. The other guy was being a jerk by filling it over the edge, and shouldn't be surprised or upset then the soda gets spilled.
I personally think the Drinker was wrong here. The guy pouring was being a jerk, but the drinker just acted like a baby by bringing the soda over the pizza, knowing it was too full not to spill. He should have just got down on his knees and sipped the soda on top before taking it.
But I am not considered objective, knowing both the parties involved and having preconceived notions about each of them. Sowe would like the pose the question to you. Who was being more of a jerk here.
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