Ok, this is the story:
There was this Freshman asian kid at my school. The reason i say asian is that is why he was singled out (because he was different). Anyway, he was on the Freshmen Basketball team and one day a bunch of kids from the Freshmen and JV team came up to him and sodomized him.
Yes, i said it, they sodomized him.
Ok i'll go into greater detail. About 5 bball players pulled off his pants and boxers, one of them *held the cheeks* open, and the others continued to shove a brush up his ass. The bristled side too.
I have no idea why they did this, but they did. The kid didn't even tell anyone. He came to school the next day and acted like nothinghappened apparently. One of the kids recorded the entire thing and posted it on youtube, and that is how they were caught. I dont have the link to it though. One of them has been expelled, and i'm not sure about the others. It is pretty nasty.
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