Teh Internets. Infinite source of win. This is everything that's part of the internet culture created by our fellow forumites across the web. So I decided to make a list of these phenomenons, just for fun.
Teh internets isa kind of magical cloud of fantasy and wonders that floats somewhere in the Pacific Ocean, and it's a series of tubes. It's NOT a big truck. However, its influence is universal. Teh internets was invented by Galactus and Batman in the year 1768, but Al Gore claims that HE did it 100 years ago (right before he killed Manbearpig) and no one ever found it. It's only when computers were invented that we found a way to communicate with ''it''. Since then, we have exploited it's win with the little fairies who travel in the tubes and created lots of epic lulz. Some people claim that these fairies are in fact cosmic rays and they travel in big trucks, but scientists confirmed that they were completely f****** insane (Official word from Professor Xavier). And they've also confirmed that no one here even has an idea of what they're doing. They don't even have a clue. But in 2002, Galactus and Batman divorced and everything on teh internets became illegal. Don't even try to argue, you will lose. Galactus became the chairman of The Kewl Interweb Pwning Comitee and Batman started a new life in the jungle. In 2004, however, Batman discovered a new way to access teh internets : ninjas. By summoning ninjas with a sacrificial ritual, you can send them to catch parts of the floating cloud and bring them back in your computer (to build a computer, simply put electrical wires and a green plastic rectangular object in a box.). Some famous pioneers of this technique were Samuel L. Jackson,Bob Sagetand, of course, Barney the dinosaur (but we all know where allthis went...). I hope it helped you understand a little more this complex concept.
1. Chuck Norris.
Master Chuck. The Alpha and Omega. The Origin of All Life. Chuck Norris is the most powerful entity of the internet. He can beat you up simply by... existing. He's so powerful that people decided to honor him by making a list of facts about him. Here's the top 10 chosen by the man, err... the god himself :
2. O RLY?
O RLY owls. The ULTIMATE and unquestionnable reply :
In fact, only this can counter it :
And then another poster can reply with this :
They represent ''Oh really'', ''Yeah Really'' and ''No way!''. These owls come from the source of all evil : 4chan. This concept became very popular and gave birth to countless owls with ''internet slang'' text. Take a look :
3. It's Over NINE THOUSAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vegeta's legendary quote. Ridiculously popular! Take a look at the original video (this isn't the funny version):
And then there are the spin-offs. Every single of these movies are completely made of WIN :
And this is Vegeta's second most popular quote : ''Then the whole universe is going to die!!!!!!!''
4. 300 - THIS IS SPARTAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously, if you haven't heard this during the last months.... where have you been? It all began when the 300 trailer was released. Almost every single word in this trailer have become extremely popular. Take a look :
If you want pics and gifs (hilarious), I suggest you go visit this thread : http://www.gamespot.com/pages/forums/show_msgs.php?topic_id=25708790
And just for fun, here's an hilarious vid for 300 :
5. Shoop da Whoop - Imma Chargin' Mah Lazah
I think this is the original Shoop da Whoop pic. (Not sure, but it looks like it). There are many many spin-offs on the shoopdawhoop site (google it because I don't know if there's stuff that we're not allowed to post here on this site). But what most people don't know is that the creator of this pic had racist intentions. This pic was meant to make fun of black people by representing stereotypical black people as seen in old comic books. Here are some other Shoop Da Whoop pics :
6. Hadouken!
This is Ryu's trademark quote (from Street Fighter).He screams ''Hadouken!'' when he does his special energy ball move. It became popular because.... uh... I don't really know. But for some reason, it makes people laugh, including me! I guess it's because of nostalgy. So yeah, here's a video (you can hear it many times in this vid):
7. The System Wars
The greatest war of all time. The one that's fought for ideologies and REAL values! The war between CONSOLES! (and PC...). There's really too much to say and too much to show about this one, so I'll just post links to the greatest Console Wars forum EVER : GS's System Wars. But I'm serious. The SW (System Wars) history is fascinating! It's almost like mythology! There were real heroes in these forums who fought endless and desperate wars! And I love it!
History : http://www.gamespot.com/pages/forums/show_msgs.php?topic_id=25661883
Vocabulary / Information / Rules: http://www.gamespot.com/pages/forums/show_msgs.php?topic_id=23880802
Typical SW fun thread (from the 2005 - 2006 era. Prepare for lots ofSony hatin') : http://www.gamespot.com/pages/forums/show_msgs.php?topic_id=24961767
8. Tron Guy
So this guy was a total nerd (and still is) but he had ''no life'' like people here like to say. One day, he decided to DO SOMETHING! And the pictures you see are the result! You think he's dumb? You're wrong! Because it worked! He became one of the most important internet phenomenons!
...and there's also this spin-off :lol: :
9. Mah Bucket
Yeah... I don't understand either. But there are dozens of these pics! Google them if you want. So some guy decided to make this... for an unknown reason, and it made everyone laugh! That's it!
10. Captain Obvious
This works almost exactly like the O RLY owls. When someone says something stupid, you can correct him/her and post this. There are many more ways of using this pic, though.
11. It's a Trap!
Quote taken from the Star Wars movies. People found it funny and it became popular. Used in some forum discussions. Here aresome videos :
12. Boromir (LotR) - ''One does not simply walk into Mordor''
A bit like the 300 quotes, this Boromir quote became popular. Some guy decided to start using it in the forums and it became popular.
13. Ceiling Cat and Funny cat pics
Cat pics... increadibly popular in funny pics threads. Nuff said.
14. You must construct additionnal pylons
Quote from Starcraft's Protoss. Frequently used in ''Over 9000''-like videos. For some reason, it's always with a Protoss headed guy pointing out his shirt with the words written on it. Here's a vid :
15. All your base are belong to us.
Comes from the game Zero Wing that probably has the worst translations ever. This became popular for obvious reasons. Videos :
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qItugh-fFgg(I love the music remix :D )
16. You win the PRIZE!
Rather controversial picture that became popular because it's hilarious. (controversial because some people would say that it's not righ to laugh at this guy). Used in forum discussions for congratulations (often in a sarcastic way).
17. Raptor Jesus and Jesus lol pictures.
Funny Jesus pictures. They're funny because we don't imagine Jesus using 1337 talk. And Raptor Jesus comes from a news story where an Iguana became pregnant by herself and would give birth on Dec 25th.
[spoiler] You have been Rick-Rolled! [/spoiler]
19. Pedobears
Another contribution from the evil 4chan. Apart from being used in funny threads, these can also be posted when a user seems to have a ''strange'' behaviour towards kids or teens.
20. The evil 4chan
4chan is a place of evil. It's a site where you post pictures, but there are NO rules.That's it. Never go there, or you'll need help. Think I'm joking? See this : http://www.gamespot.com/pages/forums/show_msgs.php?topic_id=25839092
4chan raids : 4chan is so evil that they raid sites or even TV shows once in a while. Their most popular raid is spamming with ''The pool is closed due to aids'' in forums and TV shows.
An Hero : A well known expression on 4chan. It comes from a news story where a kid commited suicide because he lost his ipod, and people made fun of him and called him ''An Hero''. You can oftenhear 4channers say ''show pr0n or become An Hero'' (...or commit suicide). They're really a bunch of immoral b******.
/b/ : This is a horrible place... OH MY GOD I wish I never got there. It's the name of the place where you can post any pic you want. And that means terrible shocker pictures. (mutilated dead babies, beheadings, difformed people... it's a real nightmare.)
Just don't go there...
21. Do a barrel roll!
Quote from Starfox 64. Popular, funny, blah blah blah...
22. Tay Zonday
This is a golden guy (yeah he somehow has gold skin) who sings all kinds of songs with a RIDICULOUSLY low voice. Very popular.
23. Brian Peppers
He's an ugly b****** and pedobear certified!
24. 1337 talk
1337 talk is what you know as ''0MG R0FLMaOBBQ101z I PWNzOrDz j00'' It's internet talk...
And here's a funny vid I found. Just for fun : http://thenumber1337.ytmnd.com/
25. Ninjas vs. Pirates
Ninja vs Pirate. The duel of the two most badass things ever.
26. Motivational Posters
Motivational posters usually look like that picture. A picture with black borders, a title and a small text. They are very popular in funny pics threads, and there are lots of them! Here's a great thread full of these pictures :
27. Dramatic Prairie Dog
Causes MASSIVE hilarity in funny pics threads
28. The Best Page In The Universe
This site, created 10 years ago, is about this guy called Maddox claiming everything he says is ultimate truth and everyone else is wrong. It's simply hilarious, and it became very popular over the years. Link : http://maddox.xmission.com/
29. Internet : Serious Business
A common saying on the internet, used (most of the time, sarcasticly) to remind users that internet is very serious. This comes from several cases where, for example, a guy sued their friends for making fun of him in chatrooms.
30. Will it Blend?
Popular videos where some guy uses his Blendtec Blender to blend stuff like marbles, cellphones, and many more. It became an expression on the internet used when we're not sure if something will work or happen. Here's a video :
31. Fission Mailed
A term meaning ''you fail'' or ''you got pwned''. It comes from MGS2 when a virus attacked your colonel (who was in fact a computer.). This is what you see when you die in the game.
So that's it. I hope you enjoyed, and if anything's wrong or missing, tell me.
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