Hey guys, let's keep this mature and reasonable, it could get interesting. If you think about how much technology has changed and how society and lifestyles have changed in just the last 50 years, it is crazy, even the last 10 years with nano technology and biotechnology. I read a lot about computers, tech, and do a lot of work and studying in the field related to biotech and genetics. It amazes me where it's at. with the microsoft video someone posted, i thought it was just amazing where computers are going, being able to touch and drag and having a virtual desktop, and how cameras and mp3 players could be detected without any cords or wires, all lasers, just amazing to transfer data by lasers you cant see. well it got me thinking, how much tech and society has changed in the last 10 years, 50 years, or even 500 years, where is it going to be in 10 years, 50 years, and so on?
my answer would be a lot related to genetics and biotech. i work in that field right now, and having a cure to cancer, diabetes, aids, downs syndrome, height, everything actually just by manipulating a gene before you are born or even after you have had the disorder is right around the corner. what if people lived to 200 because of the elimination of chronic diseases? ive read hundreds of articles about this in my medical soc class.
what about economics, will china be the next super power? probably so in 50 years or so, the way things are going, not biased at all.
what about technology? will we all have little storage devices we can pick up and use for everything, movies, tv shows, shopping, computers, etc? whats next after computers or space? If we can create particles and bind them for molecular growth, how soon will we be able to create water or gasoline? what about being able to create anythingby pulling atoms out of the air, this idea started 10 years ago before nanotech really set on.
i saw an article about computers soon being able to work without cords or wires, it would all be lasers, and would work faster. will other hardware and appliances all one day exist without wires? that would be a whole new world, being able to plug in anywhere with anything. electricity theft a new crime? how about if cars are on electricity and charge while driving? crazyÂ
This should be an interesting thread, keep it like that
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