What are both candidates view on cutting spending?
I haven't seen anyone address the issue of government spending, which is what is really hurting the economy.
Tax Cuts are definitely very important, but that should be PART of turning everything around.
We need to money for a government program, so the Fed prints the money, which isn't backed by anything, so we borrow money from China which increases our debt and decreases the value of the dollar, which leads to less income, which leads to employers having to cut jobs to recoup the loss
If Obama gets into the White House, and theres is a Democratic Legislative and Executive branch, they're going to have an open check book, which means, tons and tons of spending. How is this a change from George Bush? This is doing what George Bush does on an even bigger scale.
If McCain has similar policies that Palin had (fiscal responsibility. She even gave herself a paycut) I'm sold.
But unless these candidates address the issue of spending, I'm going to be voting for Bob Barr.
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