What is the best smartphone Sprint has to offer? I'm looking at the HTC hero, palm pre, blackberry, and a few samsungs, but I can't get a great review.
Do you own a sprint smartphone, or can you make any recommendations? Help appreciated, thanks!
Hmm, I don't have Sprint, but one of my friends has a Palm Pre. He told me that he really like the software and features, but the reliability was poor. He was on his fifth or sixth Palm Pre because the previous ones had broken. =\
Well not surprised by the lack of replies, but I got my smartphone, the HTC Hero powered by Google :D! It's amazing!
Hmm, I don't have Sprint, but one of my friends has a Palm Pre. He told me that he really like the software and features, but the reliability was poor. He was on his fifth or sixth Palm Pre because the previous ones had broken. =\dk00111
Yeah, the Palm Pre was really a disappointment. It had a chance to be good, but it really wasn't. I'm happy with my choice :)
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