I was thinking about this for about 15 minutes, from what I've went over it seems to make sense.
What if (the idea of) God isnt supposed to be viewed as an omnipresent conscious being like the Bible makes it seem like?
In my personal opinion I think that God is only a symbol of all the things that the Christian God represents.
Love, Wisdom, Compassion, etc. are all the things that make up (my theoretical) God.
Not thinking of God as an almighty puppetmaster but a collage of good characteristics that people should hone and grounds to stand by.
When I say I believe in God I believe that light overcomes the darkness and that positivity will always prevail.
Maybe the idea of Heaven isnt a location, but a peace for yourself that will lay your soul to rest. Maybe the idea of Hell isnt a location but the torment that you lived by during life that still haunts you.
They say that even the worst people can go to Heaven by asking forgiveness.
Maybe they dont go to heaven by asking for forgiveness.
Maybe their souls rest and reside in peace (theoretical heaven) because that light shined through them and that's how they repent. Not to repent to God, but to forgive themselves. And allowing the truth and the light to flow through them, that is what gives them that peace.
When someone lives in lies, basques in torment in life, what makes you think that it will be any different in the after life?
That is what I think Hell is. The torment that you have engraved on your soul from life.
Sorry I cant keep going, I'm in a rush and I'm leaving soon.
If this doesnt make any sense what so ever then please flame spear me, but I think it's possible.
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