Second post first thread!
Lets play with the tought that a nuclear hazard strikes your country and does not spread over the boarders. If you stayed in your country you would probably get killed by the hazard and if you don't leave the local Mafia threats to rape your dog. You happens to master all the languishes of the world and are welcomed every where. Witch country will you move to?
Back to reality how close are you to move til your chosen country if there were no nuclear hazard in yours. Pick a number from the scale here
5 - I've already stared packing my bags/ As soon as I get the chance I'll leave
4 - If it wern't for a special thing about that country that I don't like/I dont speak the languish, or cultural problems
3 - I'm just fine here. I don't need to move
2 - I'll only leave this country if its an emergency. Sure it has some problems but it could have been worse
1 - I rather die than leaving my country. True patriot
Moving from Sweden were I currently live to Switzerland. I chose that because of two main reasons: It has democracy for real by having direct democracy instead of Sweden's lousy parliamentary democracy. And secondly because its still in good ol' safe Europe
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