What are your thoughts on this? abercrombie kids (subdivision of Abercrombie & Fitch), which targets tweens and children as young as 8, sells thongs. Yes. You heard me right. They sell thongs to children. If that wasn't bad enough, they have over-sexualized printed messages on the inside. Oh, and they also cost 5x the normal price of your usual slutty Target or no-brand thongs. Now to be fair, Abercrombie & Fitch is not the only offender. Juicy and other similar stores also market the 10-14 age bracket and sell things such as lacy bras, lingerie, vacuum tight leggings and T-shirts with sexual innuendos printed on them. IMO, these stores which target children and supplament the growing over-sexualization of youth deserve a reprobation. It's just not right. It just isn't.
Despite the prices ($150 for some pairs of jeans), the company is extremely successful due to the fact that many young adults/teenagers feel they must conform to their surroundings for various reasons and therefore shop at Abercrombie & Fitch.
k that is all. I know I sound like a Faux News reporter, but I was just really caught off guard when I went into the store last week and found thongs.
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