This has been the most tragic story since 9/11 (in my opinion). It actually saddens me to read in newspapers, watch on tv, and hear on the radio that innocent people have been killed on a college campus by a man who had a troubled past. There needs to be something done NOW! This is happening WAY to often. A school should be the safest place for anyone at any age who is learning, not a graveyard or crime scene.
Personally, I think there should be people who talk to every kid individually in school and ask them how they are. These kids could tell someone if something is troubling them so the anger or sadness won't bottle up inside and explode later on. Some of these kids need to confess about their feelings with a counsler or any adult. This May stop the violence, who knows. Or the U.S. schools should have metal detectors in them.
What do you think should be done?
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