Here's mine
30% News websites (Huffington Post is my favorite)
20% Blogs (Kotaku, Gizmodo, Jalopnik)
15% Porn (So lonely)
15% Gamespot Forums
10% School work (Blackboard)
10% Gamespot Forums
EDIT: I know i listed GS twice :P
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20% YouTube
20% Social networking (Facebook/Twitter)
15% Gamespot
15% Wikipedia
10% News
10% Pr0n
10% Email
60% news (usually NY Times, Reuters, BBC News, Techmeme, Politico, Slashdot and Time)
20% browsing random products (Amazon, Google Shopping)
20% reading various forums
30% Games (including forums) 20% IMBD 10% News 10% Porn 10% Shopping 5% Social Networking 5% Email 10% Misc?
God i'm trying to think. I'd say 75% of my time goes towards the following, Goal Line Blitz (for the forums about sports (mostly football), and random talk), gamespot (OT),, facebook, youtube, wikipedia, yahoo and google..
hm probably 70% mindless surfing which can include fact searching or gamespot forum or whatever 25% mailing/keeping in thouch - facebook 5% shopping or looking for cheapesr games or import stuff or anything related to shopping oh wait i forgot shows, for example sport events - sometimes channels show more on their sites online then on the tv i can tell alot of guys answered this hence the u tube and the porn, i usually only watch u tube when males link me...(its like guys are addicted to it) as for porn i find that a bed and a frikken good, naughty imagination works better nowadaysmetalkitten
I've never understood why people say they don't need porno to masturbate but why start a fire with flint and knife when we've invented the lighter?
100% wasting time.
Does anyone recommend sites with substance?ThePerro wasting time.
Does anyone recommend sites with substance?ThePerro
Usually does the job.
50% OT
50% Pron
Used to be .000001% for uni research but now that's done, it's been taken over by either of the two.
30% school stuff and/or things relating to academics in any fashion
30% forums (including GS and TDH)
30% IRC and other forms of chatting
5% Facebook
5% other crap I can't think of/can't categorize adequately
well I won't give percentages, but I use it for news more or less everyday off of google, I chat with people here on OT, I facebook with my friends in real life, I get my nostlagia on with thatguywiththeglasses, hulu for tv shows, porn (not lonely though), and various other things mostly based around looking stuff up to increase my knowledge of the world.
25% Youtube
10% World of Warcraft forums (I haven't played in nearly 6 months, I just like browsing)
5% Gamespot forums
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