@JimB said:
@Aljosa23: What ever the intent it has had the reverse affect. Heath care costs have risen more than expected and there are still 30,000,000 people with out health insurance. Good intent bad law.
Exactly, I have a family of 4... only the kids have insurance because of chip. Our total yearly income is under $50k .... barely enough to survive in these days of inflation with payrates never changing.
The cheapest insurance I could get on Obamacare was $500 with a $12,000 deductable for me and my wife. That's insane, and we would have to cut out electricity and some food to even think about paying that extra bill. Let alone the fact that we couldn't save money and if something happens we will be screwed, like needing a new car....
This law sucks and only helps the unemployed and people at poverty level. I couldn't afford insurcane before and can't now.... nothing has changed but I will be penalized for it.
Steps that need to be taken but the chrony capitalists won't let it as they are in bed with special intrest insurance cos.:
1. Limited Tort insurance - like car insurance that prevents outrageous medical lawsuits. with limited tort car insurance you can only sue for medical expenses thats it. This would bring down rates dramatically
2. Regulating hospitals and dr.s and pharmacetuical companys from charging insane rates. There is no reason a aspirin at a Hospital cost $100 or a 1 night stay in a room $2000.
Other options - make it so everyone pays a small tax no matter what. Give everyone governement healthcare but still offer private for the people that want it... you have to pay the small tax anyway. With everyone paying the price would go down. With the government in control of it, and made not for profit there would be no need for point 1 and 2.
Pipe dream and people like me will continue to suffer. Only the rich or super poor will be helped....goodbye middle class.
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