The m-16 wins hands down. It is now a very reliable weapon. The biggest pro about an m-16 is the amount you can customize it. You can make it work for any situation you will ever face. If you want a scope, just slide one on your rail mount. Want a bi-pod or vertical grip, slide it on your quad rail foregrip. Hell, if you want to switch the caliber of bullet you are firing, all you have to do is pull out the pivot pin and and the take down pin and switch out the upper receiver. Takes 15 seconds tops. Also another pro for m-16 is the amount of parts available. Every gun store carries parts for the AR-15 (the civilian m-16) that can be used in m-16's. The standard ammo it uses, the 5.56mm NATO, is the most mass produced cartridges in history so you will not have a hard time finding it. And even if you cant find it you can use the Remington .223 round.
Summary: In video games, the AK-47 wins. In the real world, go with the M-16. There is a reason why the enemy used the AK-47 and we, a superpower, uses the M-16.
P.S. I have been researching AR-15's and have plans to build my own from scratch when I get a little money.
Just saying buying one would be safer, legaler, andget you a better rifle.
Actually you are completely wrong in every aspect. It's 100% legal to build your own AR-15 as long as it is semi-auto, is 23" in total length, and has a barrel of at least 16". It's perfectly safe to build your own as long as you check the headspace before you fire it wich can be done by a gunsmith which is cheap. You can get a WAY better rifle by building your own because you can pick and choose which parts you want to use.
It's also cheaper because you have to pay for their labor in building it. It's also more fun to build your own and you get to know it better that way if you have a problem, you know how to fix it.
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