I have no idea why people dont believe in aliens and that they have visited earth before, yet they believe in god or muhammad. Mabye some of the stories and videos presented today are complete phonies but to think that aliens dont exist and that they havent came to earth is just being ignorant. Ok this my sound ignorant on my part but im goning to have to compare this with Jesus. People believe in a man who claims to have walked on water, ressurected himself, changed one liquid to another liquid, yet people cant believe that in a universe that is forever expanding and contains over 1 billion galaxies that there is no life out there other than ours and that they have never visted earth, even tho history has presented with more than enough evidence. Just becuse NASA or the government deny it doesnt mean they are right
I am now going to actually present evidence for those who thot i wouldnt
Giza Pyramids
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v225/hik_ari/aliens/GizaPyramids.jpgIve seen these pyramid up close and i can say with 90% certianty that the egyptians could not have built these pyramids by them selves, the egytians were a pretty advance group at their time but there is no way with their technology could they have built the giza pyramids, even with ramps its is still virtually impossible for such a primitve race to even build these pyramids. there were averagin to 1million stones that weighed 2-15 tonnes each in a pyramids, w8 did i say A PYRAMID, i meant 3 PYRAMIDS. Someone or something must have given them tips on how to construct the pyramids or built it for the egyptians.
There is also no dating to when these pyramids were built, dont believe what yur elementry teacher is teacher you, these pyramids were not built in 2000 BCE, but rather 10000 BCE. Also these pyramids were built to align with Orion contellation, coincidence any1? i dun think so, to even contradict alien non believers more go to this site http://doernenburg.alien.de/alternativ/orion/ori00_e.php
Weird alien skulls found across the globe
Heres one of those weird skulls found across the globe, these skulls contained an average of 2 litres of brain while today the average is 1.5 litres, meaning that these creatures could potentially be more intelligent than us. Also these skulls were found in peru, russia, egypt. pretty much anytime BCE, these civilizations had no way of meeting each other.
What still not convinced???
This here is the egyptian goddess Nefertiti, whoa she has the same skull as the ones found in peru or russia, whoa she was a goddess too, ummm conicidence any1???
whoa these two pictures found also display the same creatures with the abnormal heads, why in the world and where in the world could they have gotten the motivation to draw these.........
heres a great site
i could go on and on and on and on about DEFINITE proof but im going to see what every1 says first
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