anyone else getting a little bored with seeing the same old settings for fps games? dont get me wrong i love the ww2 games but i think the setting has been totally covered by now well the european campaign by now perhaps except for scandnavian countries. but whats wrong with ww1 as a setting, trench warfare and all that madness, or how about more cthulhu esq 1920's settings all creepy old houses and tommy guns lol. or more cowboy games? perhaps a medieval or rome esq fps rpg like oblivion or something based on the seas like in waterworld, or a urban warfare/vigilante type game set now in our city streets inspired by outlaw or how about a cyberpunk game as we now have the shadowrun game. any thoughts guys?
It would be better on the high seas. Its a scientific fact Nazis took over the oceans after Germany. Nazi pirates i mean, with evil nazi monkey helpers
How about a game where a fictional day when guns were createwd and given to everyone on Earth and they went mad n everyone starts shooting each other and you have to survive?
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