Hello out there in Off-Topic Discussion.
I've had my ear piercing for...over a month I'm sure, and the piercing peoples told me it should be healed after a month. They also told me to clean my ears atleast twice a day with Dial anti-bacterial soap (which I do). I believe they're a...10g?Maybe 12g? It's the round kind...you know it's like a C then at the open part there a little ball where they use plyers to close the ring.
Yea. I was thinking maybe I'm cleaning them wrong, and the way I clean them causes the scab to break so they wont ever heal. I put the soap around the piercing and on the ring, and massage it all gently. Then I pull the ear ring itself back and forth through the hole to get soap inside of the piercing...then was thorougly.
Is this right? A while later I usually can feel a light crusty build up around the piercing, and if it's healed this shouldn't be there right? Sometime there's a clear fluid, and it's always just a very tiny amount.
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