Hi. Im 16 and a junior in high school. Im really worried about my future. I got really bad grades freshmen and sophmore year. My average is like 3.2 I think. A big problem is extra curricular activities. I hardly did anything as a kid, and I only did track for a bit in freshmen year but I thought it was boring. I only have two hobbies. Video Games- which is apparently useless. Guitar-Im self taught and I just know lots of songs from youtube videos.
My biggest problem is I don't know what I want to be when I grow up. I dont have a goal to strive for. I dont know why but most jobs just dont interest me. The Video Game Industry and Music Industry are very competitive and I dont think I could make it in either of those fields. I feel like I have nothing to look foreward to after high school. I dont think any colleges would want me since my grades are bad and I dont have extra curricular activities.
I dont know what to do. :(
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