Obama and Biden are trying to play up the economic recovery which followed the recession, saying that 4.4 million private sector jobs have been created over the last 28 months. However the actual numbers of jobs in America is still less than when the recession started and there are in fact 500,000 fewer jobs today than there were when Obama took office. Generally speaking, after a recession comes a recovery and the current recovery is much weaker than previous recoveries (once again Obama and Biden are talking up these 4.4 million jobs, whereas at this point in his Presidency, Reagan had created 9.5 million jobs).
After Obama implemented his "stimulus" the unemployment rate is about 8.2%. In comparison after Bush enacted his tax cuts in 2003, the economy created 7.8 million new jobs while the unemployment rate fell from 6% to 4.4% over four years. Obama says that he has presided over 28 straight months of jobs growth, however job growth is actually the norm in recent U.S. history (there were 52 months of consecutive job growth under Bush).
The main problem is that our economic growth is so slow that we won't reach pre-recession job levels until 2016.
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