The international bankers that own the Federal Reserve, CIA, NSA etc(practially the whole world) are the ones behind all these propagandic films,tragic events in the world such as the World Wars, famous assassinations like Lincoln, MLK Jr., Kennedys, Cold War, Gulf War, and 9-11. The idea to "them" is to create these tragic events where they have to go liberate some country of their tyrant terrorist ruler, while all these movies continue to spew out govt("patriotic") ideas in the form of a film to brainwash a certain reaction to a worldevent when something like the movie happensand US military presence continues to build in every other country to later on promote one currency, one govt, one leader etc.
The truth is that we're not going to be U.S.A anymore. We're going to be N.A.U. without the acknowledgement of the American People or the other citizens who are involved in this unification of North America. Pretty soon, there won't be a Canada, U.S.A or a Mexico. There is this thing called Project for the New American Century, in which it merges the 3 N.A. countries into one major one called, the North American Union, as "they" are to the rest of the other continents, before "they" promote unifying all the Unions to be "safer". The dollar will be obsolete, and a new currency, called the 'Amero' will take over. Kinda like the Euro has taken over theFranks, Schillings or whatever currency was floating around, in European Union, and Ecoi in what is now the African Union and so forth. After the N.A.U. gets established, all that's left is Asia. Once the Asian Union comes into play, then they will have it set to do the final steps in achieving one govt, one currency etc by merging these Unions together to make one super world union, hence the domination of this world by means of stripping away our liberties & nationalism doe to the Dept of Homeland Security & the Patriot Act.
The response that most American's are saying, is exactly what "they" want.
"If I have to give up a few rights to be safer & rule out terrorist, be it."
The truth is, America is pretty a country full of slaves already. The more we work, the deeper in "National Debt" we plummet to. Don't you love it?
The question is"Who is willing to open their eyes and admit it before doing something about it?"
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