Anti-n00b Day Manifesto
Lately in the video gaming community there has been a growing problem. This problem is, of course, n00bs. The people who troll your favorite gaming forums and trash talk about the games they have never played. The people who call themselves gamers but only play stuff like GTA, Halo 2, and Madden, but when you mention games like Counter-Strike or Command and Conquer, say, what?
To combat this problem, a group of students at a school called CHS, started Anti-n00b Day. The idea first emerged almost exactly one year ago, after the students witnessed the "National Day of Silence" in which other students at the school covered their mouths with duct tape to make a statement about the bullying and harassment of homosexual students.
During the lunch period that fateful day, one of the students made a joke saying he was thinking about talking at the top of his lungs for the rest of the day, to protest the "National Day of Silence". After the joke didn't go over as hoped for, the student was called "Intolerant" and a "Homophobe". There was only one thought recurring in this students head afterwards, "n00bs can't take a joke". This sparked the fire for what became Anti-n00b Day.
The next day, the students made signs and posters saying things such as "Stop Camping You F***ing n00bs.""- i pwn n00bs-" and, the most popular of them all, a sign simply having the word "n00bs" with a giant cross out symbol above it. Though the day was not as successful as first hoped, it was still a day the students would never forget.
Now here we are, one year later. Today was the "National Day of Silence" so in honor of the first Anti-n00b Day, the students who originated the first want to make one for 2k7. So that's why I am writing this manifesto, I wish to inform the general public of this day that deserves to go down in the history of the gaming community and memory of the general gaming public.
If you believe in the cause get involved! Make a poster, design a shirt, or create a catchy protest chant. Stand outside of your School, Local federal building, or any other place in which you believe the n00b enemy originates from, and do what protesters do!
P.s. This is a total parody of a real protest, and the stupid things people will protest for. It's kind of like a protest satire. Get involved and have a laugh...
Torx Mechani
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