what guitars do you play??? I play an awful cheap nasty ESP but it plays ok.
here it is.
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Epiphone Les Paulzepman71
Me too. Or I used to. It was stolen 2 years ago - not insured. That was a black day indeed.
ive been playing for about 3 years and i have 2 acoustic electrics one fender and one gibson a
nd a fender squier electric guitar
i just started a few months ago, i bought an acoustic guitar from a garage sale, and i'm learning how to play that. i'm gonna get an electric guitar in a few months though.
PS: nice avatar ;)
isnt it easier to play electric than it is to play acoustic?
and ive been playing for about a year and a half. i dont play that often and am not serious about playing. i know no songs but only parts of a few songs. i dont intend on learning any songs. i prefer making it up as i go along playing what ever sounds good to me.
I started off with a horrible strat copy (as I'm sure many people did) and now i play this rather nasty Ibanez GSA60. I really don't like it but it was a present so...
I have been playing around a year and a half and i have playing bass for just under half a year. I don't want to brag but I'm better than my friend who has been taking lessons for over 3 years (I'm self taught). I play every day and i enjoy it a lot. It's all i do apart from some stuff on the computer. Every one should play guitar, It's the best!
I couldn't find a pic of mine but this one is close...
It's a Gibson signature series and I don't play it very often.
Epiphone Les Paulzepman71
ditto. black.
but im more of a bass player. no clue what kind it is, i found it in my garage last year.
I have a BC Rich Kerry King Warlock, an Aria Strat, a Takamine Electric Nylon, and I just ordered the ESP Alexi 200 Flying V.ThyeoraNice. As for me I have a Ace Frehely Signature with custom pick-ups its pretty nice I like it. I plug it into a 120 watt Crate also decent size.
Ive been playing about 8 yrs
I have a warlock platnium (its ok, not the best tho)
And a Martin Accoustic
This is my dream guitar, a PRS:
Nice, guys. I was thinking about getting a Schecter, are they any good, maybe a demon? may as well supply some more background than i did on the main post.Thr rest of my setup is as follws..
Line6 floorpod
Crate MX30ORC amp.
Ive been playing for about 2 years, first guitar was an encore strat ripoff with one single coil pickup near the neck(hahaha)
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