I played it for about ten years, from Mirage to Kamigawa (more or less).
It was awesome for a while, but I started to lose interest in the game after the end of the Weatherlight Saga - all of the background lore stuff after that was totally lame in comparison, and some of the blocks just weren't very fun to play with/against (like Mirrodin). Combine a lack of interest with more schoolwork and a lack of money, and I just never went back to it.
Maybe I should sell my cards one day. I have thousands of the damn things, but...ehh...
As for colours, I suppose Black was always my favourite. I mostly played Black/Blue or Black/Red, although I didn't really stick with any one combination for too long.
And rarest card? Gah, I don't know what any of them are worth anymore. Looking at the price guides, I've got cards from the top ten of most of those sets, but nothing ridiculously valuable.
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