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My life has no direction as well. For as long as I remember whenever someone asks me what I wanna do career wise, I just shrug my shoulder.
My philosphy of life is simple. It is repetitive and stays that way, but you always need to look forward to something to have some kind of motivation.
For example, I have always had something to look forward to, whether it'd be a concert (there's one next month) or a game coming out (Gears 2), etc. You have to find something that you look forward to at all times, or else you might start becoming depressed.
My life has no direction as well. For as long as I remember whenever someone asks me what I wanna do career wise, I just shrug my shoulder.
My philosphy of life is simple. It is repetitive and stays that way, but you always need to look forward to something to have some kind of motivation.
For example, I have always had something to look forward to, whether it'd be a concert (there's one next month) or a game coming out (Gears 2), etc. You have to find something that you look forward to at all times, or else you might start becoming depressed.
A budhist would strongly disagree with that. :P
It's just a psychological mind game with yourself I think. Its just simple positive conditioning. You do something montonous (go to work, do homework, etc.) and then reward yourself with something enjoyable (videogames, music, pron, whatever you're into that makes you temporarily happy)
Same as you. I stopped going to school about a month ago because not only was I sick of it, but I had no ambition or motivation and was failing because of it. I still plan to start doing it online, though.
I guess I'll just be wasting my teenage years at home, but I doubt things will change once I reach adulthood.
i'm 18 years old, and i have no (plausable) carreers goals in mind, i'm a highschool dropout, i have no plan to further my education, and the only reason i work is so i can buy/do stuff i want...overall i'm just very bored with life atm...anyone else feel this way?dante_123456Lemme tell you. You've got one huge advantage right now, and it's that you've identified your problem. A lot of people don't even get that far, or they figure it out too late. Now all you need to do is figure out the solution and act. in this case, you need to figure out what you want in life and then pursue it. The sooner the better. I couldn't be more serious when i say that the longer you wait, the harder life will be for you. I dropped out, too, and i'll tell you that it was the worst decision that i ever went along with. You may be bored with life now, but you won't be that way forever. In fact, i'll go so far as to say that you'll change your tune in less than 6 years. And by then, you'll be where i am. A 24-year-old GED graduate with no skills, no money, no credit, and no future. I'll say optimistically that this situation isn't impossible to recover from, but it sure as hell feels like it. Ugh. I feel like a crotchety old hobo speaking for a high-school. But seriously, do what i wish i'd done. Do some soul-searching, figure out what you're calling is in life, then start working your ass off. don't let anything distract you. I'm going out on a limb here, embarassing myself, so at least consider it.
umm...well sort of...i procrastinate a lot! but i have plans :?
i'm unemployed right now living at home with my parents been that way since i graduated from high school in may...i'm taking a year off and plan to go to a local community college in fall of 2009. i haven't chosen any specific classes i want to take yet, but i'll clear the basic courses and hopefully get some courses on film making and stock broking. i've got bright futures scholarship which will cover 100% for two years, but after that i don't know if i'll be able to afford college. i plan on getting a job at a new theatre opening nearby. i'd like to become a cameraman and perhaps film interviews, live news reports on the streets of wherever, and small movies.
there's plenty of other stuff i suppose i could do too. in the meantime though i've just been laying around playing games, watching movies/tv, being lazy pretty much. i'm trying to learn something new everyday though. i may need some help deciding what to do with myself, because there are so many opportunities. i have the capacity to think but lack the will to act :oops:
At one time I had that mindset but thankfully it ended early high school. I realized that I wanted to do more for a living than work at a cash register at a gas station the rest of my life.
I became interested in either going into Art Education, Engineering, and Architecture. God ironically used my interests in Engineering to confirm my call by God for full time ministry however.
I'm now a Senior Christian Studies major looking to soon start doing Masters work. I now wish to use art as a method for teaching God's Word and would love to one day do church planting, even designing the church building myself.
My ultimate ambition or direction in life, however, is to glorify God in word and action.
i'm 18 years old, and i have no (plausable) carreers goals in mind, i'm a highschool dropout, i have no plan to further my education, and the only reason i work is so i can buy/do stuff i want...overall i'm just very bored with life atm...anyone else feel this way?dante_123456
While I'm not a dropout, I pretty much feel the same. No careers in mind, nothing I want to pursue, no real hobbies or interests. It kinda sucks.
Same as you. I stopped going to school about a month ago because not only was I sick of it, but I had no ambition or motivation and was failing because of it. I still plan to start doing it online, though.
I guess I'll just be wasting my teenage years at home, but I doubt things will change once I reach adulthood.
when you do start i suggest you do it in a classroom I know onlne sounds ideal but having to teach yourself everything sucks let the teachers help you
People shouldn't have to work, we should all live in Paradise while robots work, that's the world I wanna live in :(Brainkiller05
Well spoken.
My life has no direction as well. For as long as I remember whenever someone asks me what I wanna do career wise, I just shrug my shoulder.
My philosphy of life is simple. It is repetitive and stays that way, but you always need to look forward to something to have some kind of motivation.
For example, I have always had something to look forward to, whether it'd be a concert (there's one next month) or a game coming out (Gears 2), etc. You have to find something that you look forward to at all times, or else you might start becoming depressed.
I agree... living for Materalism is the best way to live. Who wouldn't want to live the American dream. That's essentialy what it is. Maybe, that's why so many people are bored, and depressed these days. Their lives spiral around collecting objects, rather than forming meaningful reletionships and learning as much as they can about the world around them.
I used to feel the same. Even though I never dropped out of school, I just wanted to graduate high school to get my parents off my back, I didn't care if I got good grades or not, I just wanted to get it over with, and I had no idea what I wanted to do when I was finished, I had already decided I wouldn't be attending college and I didn't want to work anywhere. I was pretty much lost.
This all changed when I was 17. Two things happened that year: First, I met and started dating my girlfriend. That made me look at life in a completely different way, I wasn't miserable or aimless anymore, I started wanting to improve myself... I can honestly say I've been a new person and the happiest man alive ever since. Second, I found out about the only career/profession that has ever sparked my interest, and thanks to my new mindset I immediately decided this was what I was going to do for the rest of my life.
Right now I'm studying really hard, and hopefully I'll be able to become a composer, I think music is definitely my calling, so we'll see what happens. As for you, well I think you'll find something eventually, or like me, something will find you. :P
My problem is I have too much ambition and too many directions but not enough time :P
Perhaps you should try reading some existentialist stuff? Nausea for example helped me when I felt like nothing I did mattered in high school.
i'm 18 years old, and i have no (plausable) carreers goals in mind, i'm a highschool dropout, i have no plan to further my education, and the only reason i work is so i can buy/do stuff i want...overall i'm just very bored with life atm...anyone else feel this way?dante_123456I think that everyone gets bored from time to time, even if they have 'everything in place'. If you are open to it, maybe you should look into some type of spiritual discipline or something. Ask yourself what is missing from your life that is causing the boredom. Don't expect the answer to come up right away (although if it does, great!) Start thinking about what interests you and think about how you could turn that into a pursuit of some type. Just some thoughts :)
[QUOTE="SpidersRMe"][QUOTE="Brainkiller05"]People shouldn't have to work, we should all live in Paradise while robots work, that's the world I wanna live in :(mindstorm
Well spoken.
I'd actually be completely miserable... I'm not happy unless I'm busy working and thinking.
You would build robots.
[QUOTE="dante_123456"]i'm 18 years old, and i have no (plausable) carreers goals in mind, i'm a highschool dropout, i have no plan to further my education, and the only reason i work is so i can buy/do stuff i want...overall i'm just very bored with life atm...anyone else feel this way?Shiggums
While I'm not a dropout, I pretty much feel the same. No careers in mind, nothing I want to pursue, no real hobbies or interests. It kinda sucks.
Same boat guys.. I'm completely unsure of what I want to do. I've though about taking a Film Production and Cinematography course, and a Screenplay Writing course the next year. I've though about en-rolling in a visual effects school, though I'm not sure I have the drawing talent (yes it is required). I've thought about a trade. I've though about upgrading and going to college (for god knows what kind of degree). I think I could potentially get a job as Casino security after taking some courses (I have some connections). I've though about upgrading so I can go to college and use that degree become a police officer. I've thought about taking fire fighting coures, becoming a certified PADI diver and hoping that would look good on a fire fighting resume (tough to be competitive without a college degree). I'm hopelessly lost. Heck I've even thought about flying to Africa to live with an indigenous tribe and not having to worry about money or taxes.
i'm 18 years old, and i have no (plausable) carreers goals in mind, i'm a highschool dropout, i have no plan to further my education, and the only reason i work is so i can buy/do stuff i want...overall i'm just very bored with life atm...anyone else feel this way?dante_123456
I'm nearly exactly the same as you are, the only difference being that I don't have a job. I don't have a purpose and I'm almost certain that I never will.
[QUOTE="dante_123456"]i'm 18 years old, and i have no (plausable) carreers goals in mind, i'm a highschool dropout, i have no plan to further my education, and the only reason i work is so i can buy/do stuff i want...overall i'm just very bored with life atm...anyone else feel this way?dracula_16
I'm nearly exactly the same as you are, the only difference being that I don't have a job. I don't have a purpose and I'm almost certain that I never will.
Well, you can't live with your parents forever
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