Here in my part (and most parts) of California we get sunshine and clear skies for like 300 days of the year so, yeah, I love the rain. I would prefer more rainy days to be honest. More overcast, cool days.
Seems like for the past few years we get this trend of:
-maybe two or three weeks of "freezing" weather (lows of high-20s at night, high-40s/low-50s during the day) during winter. We'll get maybe two or three weeks of rain IF we are lucky.
-then it goes straight to sunshine and early spring around February, and before you know it, it's 80 degrees and you're sweating your ass off and you want to punch every mother f***** in the face that says "Oh man nice day isn't it" no ITS NOT WE NEED MORE RAIN!
-Then the rest of the year it is, you guessed it, sun sun sun and maybe two weeks total of rain. Summer will hit and then it's basically the opposite of winter where we might get 2-3 weeks of 95-105 degree days, but then it tapers off into fairly pleasant days for the most part after that.
Anyone I work with quite a few out of state folks and when they first moved here they loved it, especially the midwest folks like from Minnesota and Wisconsin and whatnot. One guy went to UC Santa Cruz, turned into a surfer, and pretty much went surfing like every single day (ironically, the water there is cold enough to give you hypothermia most of the year).
I know as a native Californian I take my state's weather for granted, but I like the rain and would really like some more of it. We got a lot of it this past season, and it was really, really nice.
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