I've gotten 2 very weird emails from what appears to be Blizzard Entertainment in regards to my WOW account.
Thing is, I only played WOW for about an hour. And it was around 3-4 years ago. I tried a free trial offer.
Then about a week ago I get an email saying I'm in trouble because they caught me trying to "sell my account." I replied basically saying: IDK what you're talking about, I only tried the game out briefly a few years ago.
Then today I get another email from "Blizzard Entertainment" saying my IP has been banned or something...then I noticed a spelling mistake. Kind of a big one too. But I clicked on the link anyway because the address they're using for contact looked legit.
Then some sort of warning popped up basically saying that this was a reported site someone set up to mimic Blizzard, and basically gtfo.
Just warning you guys. You get anything from "Blizzard Entertainment" don't trust it.
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