I used to work graveyard shift at a convenience store, so I have tons of weird stories.
There was the time I had to listen to a teenage couple have noisy sex in the bathroom.
There was the time everyone in town dropped acid. One of them walked into the store and stared at a cigarette display for a half hour saying nothing but "whoa!!!" and smiling.
The best, though, was the lady who came in at 1AM and thought she'd lost her wallet in the store. She seemed all right: polite, quiet, and worried about her IDs. Then she stopped for a second while we were searching... and seemingly noticed the awful Muzak in the background (the person who invented Muzak should burn in the lowest depths imaginable, by the way...). It was like a breaker had been tripped in her head: suddenly, "there are voices in the store," and "the surveillance cameras... they're following me." I'm starting to feel a little nervous at this point (I was alone in the store after midnight) when, all of a sudden, she runs out of the store screaming that "they" were coming for her. Later that night, I saw an ambulance, and heard that a woman had been found naked and screaming by the reservoir, trying to swim out to get away from "them."
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