I have no problem making new friends, aquantences, partners, etc. I can easily dazzle and entertain people, ever sense I was a child ive understood how to control another persons emotions and mind and make them like me, and I can be really funny at times. I remember being a in middle school and easily being able to persuade and manipulate most men I would meet in there 30s, but I have such issues making long term relationships. Honestly outside of family I have never had one. Somehow no matter how hard I try not to I subconsciously find a way to destroy them before I get too close to the people. With guys usually I will escalate to some form of physical violence towards them for no reason when we become good friends, and with women at some point I will stop being charming and just turn into a jerk and start psycologically abusing them till they leave me. Every time I do it I always regret it afterwards, but its something I feel I have no control over. Ive literally made and lost hundreds friends like this.
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