So I'm on the track team and I'm trying to get really strong (I want to be ripped). I also wanted to get faster (I run a 4:39 mile) so I am looking for some exercises that will help me get ripped as well as faster.
I alraedy do 3 sets of 15 for curls, and two other tricep exercises (one is where I lean over and let my arms hang, then pull the weight up to my shoulder. The other one is where I lay flat on my back on a bench with a bar over my head with my arms straight out and I let the bar "fall" until it is just above my face - making a 90 degree angle with my arms). Then I bench (but it's really nothing consistant, I usually do around 110-115 reg. - 8 to 10 reps with 3 sets).
For legs, I don't really do anything, except run a LOT. I run about 8-10 miles a day (at around 7-7:30 pace) and then I do leg extensions (sometimes). For abs, I do a bunch of exercises.
So does anyone have any tips for getting ripped abs, chest, and arms/shoulders?
Okay first thing, when it comes to strength training and explosiveness, there are few members on gamespot that you should take a chance in taking advice from them.
Second, if it is track that you are training for, strength will be a more important and practical goal for you.
For general strength, I highly recommend these routines: http://startingstrength.wikia.com/wiki/The_Starting_Strength_Novice/Beginner_Programs
You may also want to take a look at this site too for explainations on how to perform the lifts properly: http://stronglifts.com/. They also have valuable strength training information and routines that you can use also.
If you want to become faster, plyometrics is highly recommended and will be of more use than just running all the time. http://www.exrx.net/Lists/PowerExercises.html. Chose a couple of the plyometric exercises and do them once or twice a week on a lifting cycle. Once a week should be sufficient for recovery.
Some quick information:
-Rep ranges for maximal strength is from 1 to 5, strength AND hypertrophy(muscle mass and getting "ripped") is around 6-8 reps.
-Some good strength volumes are usually around 1x1, 1x3, 1x5, 3x1, 3x5, 5x5, 5x3(especially for olympic lifts).
-Make your lifts explosive by lifting fast and explosively but controlled on the concentric portion(for example, the upward motion of a squat).
-Lifts such as the bench press are good for chest development but unnecessary for track.
But benching makes me look good.
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