Just finished Part 6 and it definitely isn't the same without Masterson. Part 5 had him on there, but they spent the show setting up his character to be written off from Part 6. In case you haven't heard, Danny Masterson was accused of rape, so he was let go from the show, and the show definitely suffered as a result. But with that said, I think the show's a bit stuck in a holding pattern now. It's always things go great, then Cole does something stupid, things go bad again. His dad gets upset, Cole tries something to fix it, makes it even worse. It's completely formulaic and is harder to forgive with Masteron's comedic absence, and the inclusion of Dax Shepherd playing Cole's cousin only serves to reinforce that The Ranch's cast can't get by without that kind of character. I'm really hoping they're deciding on wrapping it up with Part 7, because I really can't see it getting any better with the direction that this is going.
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