I've never understood the world's obsession with "classics" of any perticular industry. Every time I read, watch or listen to something because it's deemed a classic, I find that more often than not, I don't like it.
Looking back at book I've read, I had to read some Shakespeare in high school and I though every play I read sucked (Hamlet, Macbeth and Romet and Juliet.) Then more recently, I read 1984, and that didn't do anything for me either. Animal Farm was OK, but still not worthy of its hype.
In movies, I've never seen any Star Wars movies, Jaws, Jurrassic Park, Scarface, or The Godfather (to name a few.)They just don't appeal to me. And people at work are stunned. I tried watching Pulp Fiction, but I fell asleep halfway through because I was bored.
So with this, I've spent years wondering, are things that are regarded as classics perceived well by so many people because they just want to conform to the popuar oppinion that they are good, or am I just really weird for not liking any of these supposed "masterpieces"?
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