Plasma is by far the best display type available. Period. It has unmatched refresh rate and colour reproduction (blacks are actually black, and not a dark shade of grey).
It only had problems in the market due to the whole "burn in" problem that was remedied a long time ago (and anyone stupid enough to leave their TV on for extended periods of time without some sort of energy saving mode or screen saver is deserving of whatever damage it causes).
Most plasma sets these days only have image retention issues (which means after being warmed up and on for a longer period of time, when you go to turn it off, it keeps ghosts of the image that it last displayed and will show them again when restarted... but they clear after it warms up again and starts processing new images).
I own a 42" 720p Panasonic Viera plasma from Jan 2010 and the manual recommended a decreased brightness mode and conscious effort in keeping the picture in motion for the first 500 hours of screen time (which, at two hours a day is about 8 months). I ignored the decreased brightness setting and just kept an eye on the motion of the picture (which meant limiting my play time of HUD-heavy games). To this day, all I've ever noticed is image retention (which I thought was burn in at first, then I did some reading).
Unfortunately, most manufacturers have stopped making them (Panasonic made the best sets on the market, and they have 50" 1080p sets going for $500 or less in stores these days, if they still have them) and won't ever again. Which is a real shame, because they are the only good display for touch tables or interactive white boards. It's one of those "Betamax is the better technology by leaps and bounds but the market responded differently" situations.
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