I was just thinking, everyone I know who is really smart, have well paying jobs, got hard degrees, etc aren't sports fans, at the same time everyone I know who have low paying jobs, dropped out of school, etc are all fans of some sport or the other. Could be the same reason super smart people tend to be extremely nerdy?
I am a software engineer, and make more money at 24 than most people will at 40, and I am obsessed with football...I think in general it has absolutely no bearing. While you have a point that a lot of successful people are not into sports, it is more accurate to say that most wildly successful people aren't interested in anything except being successful, which is why they are there to begin with.
I would argue almost anyone can be really, really rich if they are focused and give up other aspects of life for it. Money is just a reflection of how much time you put towards forwarding your career.
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