Are there certain words that you don't like being referred to as?
I hate being referred to as weird. It's not like the person referring to me as weird defines so-called normal behavior.
I would also hate being referred to as a white boy. It's something about the boy part that makes it sound derogatory. Heck, I remember one day in sixth grade language arts, we were talking about offensive words. One student mentioned the term white boy and the teacher agreed. I would rather be called a white guy over being called a white boy any day.
Although it's odd, I've been having some irritation of being referred to by the pronoun he. Even though I would rather be called he over she any day, I've been irritated by it since tenth grade. Why? Because in tenth grade, people would seem to always judge me and say stupid crap. For example, people at my school walk slow; I tend to walk fast. I'm usually speeding up my pace when I get the chance to get in front of somebody. I did that to this one girl without even making physical contact and a few seconds later, I heard "He always does that." That really pissed me off inside. On another day, I walked passed a big door in the hall and just tugged at it to close it; I did because I felt like it.:P A few seconds later, I heard "Why does he think that's funny?" or something like that. I wasn't even really laughing.:| So I've basically hate being referred to as he because of so many (somewhat) negative comments aimed at me. I know it's odd but there's nothing you can change about it.
Oh, when I was little, I think I hated the word you being used in place of my name or something.:P
Anyway, are there certain words or terms you don't like being referred to as?
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