Because I am. I like being one as I help people a lot every single day as best as I possibly can.
I'm a misanthrope and a cynic, my favourite thinkers are Nietzsche, Diogenes and Buddha, my personal philosophy is similar to that of a LaVeyan Satanist, and I enjoy mocking humans and the stupid, short-sighted and petty things they do.
So no, I'm not a good person.
I wonder who could be objective about that?
I try to act in ways that don't harm others. I appreciate help from others and I understand what it is like to be in a position where you need help. I try to help others the best I can even if it requires extra effort. I try to leave things better than when I arrived. I also recognize some people don't want help and sometimes it might actually push people away further or even harm me if I try and help someone who doesn't want it, so I am mindful of that.
I still have a lot to learn. Sometimes I try to help and it makes things worse! I try my best anyway and try to communicate my intentions, cooperate, and accept input from others.
Nope, and I don't think I will. I'm not a nihilist (and neither was Nietzsche). Quite the opposite.
Yup, I'm always down to help people if asked in a friendly manner.
I never wanna bother others with my troubles, I always try to look out for my own while helping others.
I always wanna make sure other people are having a good time.
Everytime I tried being a bad person, I feel intrinsically awful . I've pretty much owned up to every lie and everything I stole.
@dracula_16: Chances are you're not doing it out of desire or intent to do harm to others. Some people take all of this for granted, don't even consider any of this. Thinking about it at all puts you ahead. If you care, and try, even if you fail, you will already be doing more than many other people who fail without even trying, and someone who tries at all can be a good example to others.
You want me to judge myself?
Sure, I'm an amazing person, lol.
(Just kidding).
I do stick rigidly to my principles, and I like that about myself. However I don't think most people would necessarily agree with those principles. They're not perfectly aligned with the decalogue or anything. Like, I think love is more important than fidelity. I don't think theft is always wrong... and some other stuff I won't talk about here.
I've been trying hard lately to make a point of making underappreciated people feel good about themselves, and I'm proud of that. It's not easy for me. I'm quite shy around strangers. The reward has been that I've gained a lot of confidence, and it's a good feeling to know I've brightened someone's day with a compliment or whatever. That stuff costs nothing. Free karma.
I've got a ton of faults though. I can be very impulsive and rash at times...maybe even kind of cruel. I sometimes say or do something upsetting and then immediately regret it. I'm doing my best to reel that in, and putting in conscious effort to fix any messes I make. I don't hold grudges or get ashamed, so with a bit of imagination relationships can usually be salvaged. What's less forgivable is that I'll quite often put people on ice with no explanation. It's not deliberate, I just need a lot of personal space. I don't like that about myself at all.
I'm also horrendously lazy, so there's a lot I could easily be doing for others that I don't, either because it's too much hassle or it's simply outside my comfort zone. It's so sad to watch opportunities to form bonds drift by when I can see someone else is suffering.
Ah, I could write pages about my flaws tbh, but don't feel like confronting that stuff here.
Yeah, I don't know. Depends who's judging.
@uninspiredcup: Eh, your posts are entertaining, and I've learnt a fair bit off you. You seem like a chill guy in general.
Maybe you're a baby devouring monster IRL or something, though, idk.
I try to be.
I express gratitude and my default attitude is to help others, to be kind, and so on.
But at the same time I am a nihilist, and while I wouldn't say I am selfish, I can be a little thoughtless at times. I blame that on my anxiety and social ignorance, though 😋
I'm a misanthrope and a cynic, my favourite thinkers are Nietzche, Diogenes and Buddha, my personal philosophy is similar to that of a LaVeyan Satanist, and I enjoy mocking humans and the stupid, short-sighted and petty things they do.
So no, I'm not a good person.
Diogenes was amazing.
"Behold! A man!"
I like to believe so. I treat others the way I'd like to be treated and help out when and where I can (insert a sucker is born every minute meme).
That said we are all human and I know I'm far from perfect, but least I take the time to think about things like that though.. I have to look at myself in the mirror at night and my conscious is a curse, an enigmatic and even sometimes tiresome curse at that..
However, when all is said and done I'd rather be known as the guy that was there for others rather than a selfish, snarky, (outside of sarcasm) menacing asshole, which I could but choose not to be.
It's like I tell my kids (16 and 17) all the time, there are enough assholes in this world, so we don't need to intentionally add to that number. I believe that all starts with realizing that everyone has an opinion, so even if it differs from my own I try to respect where someone is coming from, even if I personally disagree. I think the world would be a better place if we could put our differences to the side and try to see the people underneath the politics that are used against us all too often these days to separate us from what's truly important.
My sarcasm and what some would call passive aggressive behavior (although that's part of my intentional sarcasm) are things I really should work on, but they are a large part of my wonderfully charismatic personality... although I'm also a bit of an introvert I have the ability to speak and write well... if there's a God he definitely has a sense of humor.. lol
Long story short... it's left open to interpretation but I have good friends and family I know I can count on and I seriously hope they know they can depend on me. I try to do right by others and that's the best we can do right? We all have room to grow and I've never subscribed to the mentality that you can't teach an old dog new tricks.
Did I mention I have the tendency to write books? You're welcome. 😛
Or the time he told Alexander the Great to step aside so he can enjoy the sunlight.
That dude didn't give a shit, which is an admirable quality in a world wracked by obsessions.
Or the time he told Alexander the Great to step aside so he can enjoy the sunlight.
That dude didn't give a shit, which is an admirable quality in a world wracked by obsessions.
And Alexander's response was to become a fanboy lol.
Even if only half the stories are true, still a pretty incredible person. Definitely an a point.
I do no harm to anyone, but I'm not the one to offer help either, because I've learned that your helpfulness just ends up being abused - you help once, and your are expected to help a second time, you help as second time and now people feel entitled to your time/work/money/whatever.
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